Privacy Statement
The ‘History of the Crutchley Family’ is a free, not-for-profit, family history and genealogy web site sharing information about the Crutchley family and its heritage. We are a friendly, safe, and honest resource, so we respect your privacy. However, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy of information provided, as we may not have been able to conclusively confirm it as historically correct. We do aim to ensure that all information presented on this web site is as factual as possible, and therefore we will correct any inaccuracies we are made aware of in a timely fashion.
The purpose of this web site is to discover, collect, share and record genealogical information related to those with the surname 'Crutchley', for the purposes of personal family history research and to preserve the memories and heritage of the family bearing that surname.
We do not:
Disclose, store or distribute information received from, or about web site visitors or their ancestors/family without the prior consent of the provider.
Use cookies.
We do:
On request freely share historical family history information related to the surname 'Crutchley' for the purposes of genealogical research only. The provision of this information is restricted to those studying the surname 'Crutchley', or who have a research interest in the historical activities of the family.
Operate a web site guest book to allow visitors to contact the web site, but only retain users’ information when we receive their permission to do so.
'For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.' 2 Corinthians 8:21
GS Crutchley
Statement update: 2nd December 2022.